Moving On - Curious Threads 15 – 27 October 2019 at Colonnade House – Creative Hub
47 Warwick Street, Worthing ,West Sussex, BN11 3DH
This was Curious Thread's second major exhibition.
Moving on showed new work completed in the last year evolving from group challenges which have pushed the boundaries for some, moving into 3D form textiles, interpretations in a Cubist style of work and developing work from specific in-house workshops that have allowed members to extend their abilities. Members have been inspired by the various themes and used a mixture of multi-media, paper, contemporary quilting or stitched and embroidered pieces.
47 Warwick Street, Worthing ,West Sussex, BN11 3DH
This was Curious Thread's second major exhibition.
Moving on showed new work completed in the last year evolving from group challenges which have pushed the boundaries for some, moving into 3D form textiles, interpretations in a Cubist style of work and developing work from specific in-house workshops that have allowed members to extend their abilities. Members have been inspired by the various themes and used a mixture of multi-media, paper, contemporary quilting or stitched and embroidered pieces.